Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hogle Zoo

this wasn't at the zoo but we stopped at a park on the way home.
Jonah liked the swing
I don't know, do you think he is
having fun?

Daddy and Rozalyn sitting on a alligator

This elephant spit water of of his nose
Rozalyn thought that was funny

So last Friday we went up to the Hogle Zoo because we thought Rozalyn would like it. It was a very hot day and being "black"and all I just absorbed the sun but it was fun anyway. Despite the fact that I have no pictures of Rozalyn by any real animals does not mean we didn't go. The few that I have of course she is not looking at the camera and it is always of the back of her head. She kept talking about all the animals she would see at the zoo three days before we went and then when we got there she only spent like two seconds there and then wanted to leave. I guess that's what you get from a 2 1/2 year old. Although he didn't say much Jonah had a good time too. It was nice to get out of town for a bit and spend time with my little family even though the kids hated their car seats and cried more the usual, I might do it again.