Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I don't know what to think

So last Friday on the 18th we got the call that we needed to be in Michigan on Monday. A million questions are going through my mind and that's all they could tell us because of security reasons for our birth mother. So all day friday we arrange things to get ready to go. John found tickets to fly out the next day and we arranged for Rozalyn to stay with John's sister and her husband. They were gracious enough to do that for us. So Saturday afternoon we flew to Michigan and got there around 10 michigan time and then we still had to get a car rental. By the time we left michigan airport it was around 11:30. We drove a ways outside of Detroit to find a motel we just thought that would be safer. So we found a motel and got something to eat around midnight because it had been 12 hours since we ate last. Any way the next day we drove to Ann Arbor where we were suppose to be and just drove around getting use to the area. On Monday we went to the social office and unoffically they told us that our birth monther was going in that day and they would call us to let us know when the baby was born. So John and I went out and got a few last minute things. At around 1:30 we get the call that there is some bad news. Apparently they had our birth mother preped and ready to go for a c-section and they did one last ultra sound and decided that the baby was not ready to come out so they resceduled for Oct 2. Apparently the doctor at the prison said that she was ready and she wasn't. So we were bummed and mad that we had come all the way to michigan, wasted money flying and renting a car and stay at a motel and then find out no baby. I'm thinking our birth mother was disappointed also because she really wants this baby out because she has been incomfortable and is really big. What the @#%@ was the prison doctor thinking. We were told that he is not a very nice doctor. So I guess we get to do this all a again in about 2 weeks. We left all our stuff there with some friends so we didn't have to pay to bring it back and then take it with us again. I guess if everything ran smoothly it would be to normal.

Friday, September 11, 2009

What a cutie

She looks like she belongs in the tropic islands

Just thought I would show off Rozalyn in her pretty dress. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Bunderson for the outfit.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Counting Down

I talk to our birth mom today, she is so ready for this baby to come. So are we. Just 20 more days until baby Jonah is born it sounds like she will have him on Sept. 30th. If not it will be around the 1, 2, 3 of October. I can't believe it's almost here. I really enjoy sleeping through the night but I guess that is the fun of it all. We still don't know how we are getting there or how long we actually have to stay. Hopefully things will fall into place before I have a melt down.