Thursday, January 7, 2010

bless the icecream

So John and I have been teaching Rozalyn to fold her arms while we say prayers. For awhile she was doing it thinking this is fun to fold my arms and to follow mom and dad. Now we have a hard time getting her to fold her arms. I think she thinks that if she folds her arms it means she has to go to bed which it does at night time but I think she thinks it's that way with all prayers. So today at dinner we tried again to get her to fold her arms but no luck. Later on I gave her some icecream and on her own she folded her arms and said "dear heavenly father". So she won't pray for dinner but she sure will bless that icecream she is eating. What cutie!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Oh Poop!

I 've heard stories from other people who've had experiences such as these and all I could think about was I hope that it never happens to me. Well I was wrong. Yesterday I put Rozalyn down for a nap at 2:30 and it usually takes her awhile to get to sleep. I kept checking on her every once on awhile telling her to lay down and try and go to sleep. At around 4:00 John came home and I told him to go get her up becuase I figured she wasn't going to nap and that I would just send her to bed early. Well John went in there a few minutes later and I heard him say poo poo. Oh you went poo poo, let me go get mommy. As soon as he said that I knew something was wrong because he's usually good about changing poopy diapers. So I went in there and Rozalyn had her hands up like she had something on them and sure enough she did. POOP. She also had it on her legs and arms. She didn't have here diaper off yet but she was trying to. She had also taken the garbage bag out of her trash that was sitting on her dresser, dumped that trash into the can and had the bag in the crib with her. I assumed she was trying to take the diaper off and put it in the trash bag becuase that's what we do with her diapers when we change her. So I took her into the bathroom holding her away from me as best I could and told her not to touch anything until I could get the bath water ready. After I put her in the tub I went and took all her bedding, her stuffed animals and threw them in the washer. What a fun experience..not, I hope that it never happens again but I won't hold my breath. Plus I have another child to do this.